Home > Today was a Slow Day

Today was a Slow Day

August 5th, 2012 at 09:57 pm

Not too much happening in my neck of the woods today. I had my mom take me to Food Lion to pick up milk and salsa and a couple other things. Total spent 17.55. I was hoping to make each day this week nsd's but my daughter called me when I got home to tell me that we are out of laundry detergent. Had I known that I would have bought it today. But now I have to get it tomorrow. Something always comes up doesn't it?

Hopefully my car will be ready tomorrow. Not looking forward to the total due though. I asked my sister to loan me the money for the repair. That takes one worry off my plate. I hate that I have to do that to take care of needs I have but I have no alternative.

I did well on my eating today. I only ate two meals but I just wasn't hungry. Came in under points for the day.

no eating out: 5/5 (10/10 total)
Tracking Food: 5/5
NSD: 1/5

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