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Things go smoothly and then....BAM!!!

August 2nd, 2012 at 12:27 am

Everything has been going so smoothly I knew it was too good to be true.

I left work today to go to the UPS store to ship some packages. I usually leave the car running but it was taking so long that I went and turned the car off. When I was finally done I went out and my car wouldn't start. The nice guy at the UPS store kept trying to make it start but it just wasn't getting any power. The cable that connects to the battery is not making a connection. I am really hoping that it is just a connection problem. I had to have it towed(thank goodness for roadside service!) to the dealership in Ellijay because I don't know any mechanics there. Hopefully they won't scalp me to badly. They were cheaper than my regular mechanic when I had the engine replaced. Keeping my fingers crossed.

My mom came and picked me up and brought me home. She asked if I wanted to stop and get some food somewhere. I told her no and told her about my challenge. She went to BK and got her a sandwich and I got nothing. I came home and made spaghetti and garlic bread.

Tomorrow I have to take my mom to the eye doctor in Cleveland tomorrow. They are going to dilate her eyes and she won't be able to drive home. I get to sleep in since her appointment isn't until 2:00.

I have started my totals over for the new month.

No Eating Out: 1/1
Tracking food: 1/1
NSD: 0/1 mouse on my computer just quit working! What else can happen today?

8 Responses to “Things go smoothly and then....BAM!!!”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    Things never go smoothly for too long. I've had several unexpected financial hiccups recently, and I'm feeling very impatient to get done with them and get on with my goals. The important thing is to minimize the damage as much as possible and not let it throw you off track permanently. Refusing to eat out was a VERY good start; it's showing yourself that you intend to stick to your plan.

  2. just a thought Says:

    It's great that even though you were thrown a curveball, you didn't break your chain of not eating out! Even though you restarted your tallys for the new month, I would also keep a running tally of how many days in a row you don't eat out, including last month's results. As your chain gets longer and longer, you really won't want to break it Smile

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Congrats on not eating out! That is wonderful.

    Sorry the about the car! Roadside service is wonderful for those situations. I do hope it is a simple fix. Enjoy sleeping in too!

  4. PNW Mom Says:

    Sorry about your car troubles....hope you can get that resolved quickly and cheaply....also...proud of you for not caving in and gettting BK! Way to go! Smile

  5. Beawealthywarrior Says:

    Great job not giving in to BK! I'm having spaghetti also

  6. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Good for you resisting BK -especially when you were right there AND stressed by the car. I hope that the car situation resolves cheaply!

  7. LuckyRobin Says:

    I am so proud of you right now! And I hope the car doesn't cost too much.

  8. rob62521 Says:

    Hope your car isn't too expensive...sorry about the mouse as well...when it rains, it pours sometimes.

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