Home > Bleak Outlook...but everything paid

Bleak Outlook...but everything paid

October 6th, 2009 at 04:24 pm

I am looking over my finances for the next couple of weeks. I am going to be broke...but everything will be paid on time!!! The power bill...the dish bill...the car payment...everything except for our cell phone bill. I haven't looked ahead to the end of the month in detail yet...but I am sure it will be depressing.

But...we have a houseful of groceries! I truly believe that I have become addicted to shopping with coupons. Although I don't have the money for shopping, I always find it. It just feels good to save money. We have the greatest variety of food in the house that we have ever had! And I am turning down items that I don't think are a great bargain(Lysol cleaner on sale...had coupon...but still over $2 so I didn't get it!)

I also think I am going through a depression...I find it difficult to leave the house in the morning. It doesn't help that I have the type of job where I can work from home and no one monitors me! I get my work done, but not during traditional hours usually. I take the kids to school and come back home to sleep for a couple of hours. If I go straight to work, I have to literally keep myself awake by rolling down the windows. Then at night, I can't fall asleep, despite the sleeping medicine the doctor prescribed. I have an appointment Monday to see about adjusting my medication.

3 Responses to “Bleak Outlook...but everything paid”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    Hang in there! I think lots of us are going through a tough time right now. You're doing great and now you can live off your stockpile until some more money comes in. Smile

  2. cptacek Says:

    Just make sure you leave enough money to buy air freshener. That is an absolute must.

  3. north georgia gal Says:

    You can always find free air freshners!! LOL

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