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Yesterday was Good...

June 17th, 2009 at 04:41 pm

I spent 9.65 at the grocery store and 3.00 for drinks. I forgot to take my daughter water to tumbling so I had to get her something. Important lesson! Take her water or her face looks like a strawberry!

My parents stepped in to by my son a battery for his car. They felt bad because when it was their car they had problems with it, so they felt like it was probably defective. He is getting on my last nerve about this car. He doesn't like it and makes any reason that it isn't going to last much longer. He just seems very ungrateful. I mean he paid for the car, but he had a nice car that he wrecked! Whose fault was that! Anyway, he is driving me crazy! He acts as if he is owed something...just like his father! UGGGHHHH!!!! Will he ever grow out of it????

4 Responses to “Yesterday was Good...”

  1. momcents Says:

    Oh, yes ... the sense of entitlement. Thankfully, my kids don't seem to have it (but they are very included in the family finances and know that we have things on 'the list'). My brother, on the other hand, is a grown up and has a sense of entitlement that irks me to no end! I have to bite my tongue and not be bitter.

  2. north georgia gal Says:

    My son didn't start to exhibit this sense of entitlement until he started it is in full bloom. My brother is the same way...I have not contact with him anymore. He once told my dad that he(brother) didn't ask to be born so my mom and dad should take care of him. Yes...seriously!!!

  3. Busy Mom Says:

    In my house I make my teenager sit down with me and go through the bills every two weeks. He even helps write out the checks. It really makes a difference. He rarely even asks for things anymore, because he is aware of what money we actually have. He understands how much his lessons and classes cost. I think it makes him appreciate it more. Everyone tells me I shouldn't do this, that he shouldn't have to worry about these things yet. I like to think it will open his eyes and make him better at handling money when he is on his own.

  4. Ima saver Says:

    Busy Mom, I think that is a smart thing to do!

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