Home > We have a diagnosis!!!(Not finance related)

We have a diagnosis!!!(Not finance related)

February 3rd, 2009 at 08:48 pm

The doctor called with the results of my second biopsy. I have endometriosis. I have heard of this, but do not know exactly what it is(other than what the doctor told me). I am going to the "woman's doctor" next week to discuss treatment.

Nothing malignant, no tumor that needs to come out. This is excellent news. But more doctors appointments in Atlanta! YUCK!

6 Responses to “We have a diagnosis!!!(Not finance related)”

  1. disneysteve Says:

    Glad to hear it. Endometriosis can certainly be very painful and can sometimes require surgery, but at least it isn't anything life-threatening.

  2. mooshocker Says:

    God bless.

  3. whitestripe Says:

    i had a friend with endometriosis, it was very painful but i think she managed it with medication.

  4. Koppur Says:

    I'm so happy to hear there are no cancers or tumors involved!!

  5. zetta Says:

    Here's a pretty good website for endometriosis. Don't get scared by the Symptoms page, it doesn't necessarily get worse with time.

  6. littlemama Says:

    I had endometrrisis a couple years ago. Mine was VERY painful. I had to have a total hysterectomy. You can PM me if you want.

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