Home > Now We Wait...

Now We Wait...

January 21st, 2009 at 01:30 am

Just got home form the biopsy. I am sore but not in too much pain. It took alot longer than anticipated...not the test itself, but the waiting. We had snow last night so it took a little bit longer to get out of town, but the closer we got to Atlanta, the snow disappeared. They have already called off school for tomorrow as well.

I spent $7 at Chic-fil-a for dinner(Hadn't eaten since last night) and filled up for $23. It has been an expensive gas week so far and it is only Tuesday. The extra trips to cheerleading aren't helping! And we have to go back to Atlanta on Sunday for our first competition.

2 Responses to “Now We Wait...”

  1. gamecock43 Says:

    well good luck on the results!

  2. Koppur Says:

    good luck!

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